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clevendo GmbH
Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 28
41516 Grevenbroich, Germany

Phone:+49 2182 81514-20
Fax:+49 2182 81514-99


We have set up documentation for most of the questions. Perhaps your question has already been answered there.

We are happy to help you migrate your UniFi controllers to the cloud. If you have any questions, simply use our contact form to contact us. Benefit today from your own UniFi controller in the cloud.

You have questions?

Privacy *
You can find our data protection information under Privacy.

Fields marked with * are required

clevendo GmbH
Kanalstrasse 29
D-41460 Neuss, Germany

Phone:+49 2131 40579-20
Fax:+49 2131 40579-99


We have set up documentation for most of the questions. Perhaps your question has already been answered there.

We are happy to help you migrate your UniFi controllers to the cloud. If you have any questions, simply use our contact form to contact us. Benefit today from your own UniFi controller in the cloud.